Mother Daughter Relationships
Managing messy feelings with mom.
Managing messy feelings with mom.
The relationship you have with your mother has a huge impact on who you become and the decisions you make in life.
The best books about mother-daughter relationships
Some mothers are threatened by their daughter’s success, beauty, or achievements.
There are a few potential reasons why a mother would be competitive with her daughter.
Criticism is often caring that's misguided and miscommunicated.
It can be challenging to bring up certain topics with your mother.
Whitney answers your questions.
Whitney answers your questions about mother-daughter relationships.
You are not alone if you are sensitive to your mother’s criticism
Unfortunately, some mothers believe that criticism will inspire their daughters to be better women.
The things you criticize in your daughter are likely the things that bother you about yourself.
Mothers and daughters need to learn how to empower one another. Here are some tips.
Whitney and Leslie discuss why it's so hard for parents to reflect on the damage they've done to their children.
Some reasons why mothers may criticize their daughters.
How we were spoken to as children by our primary caregiver becomes the standard for how we speak to ourselves in adulthood.
Your mother holds immense power over the narrative of your life.
That critical voice you hear in your head, it’s not your voice. You were not born with those thoughts about yourself.
Whitney answers your questions.
If you believe certain things about yourself, they may have come from your mother.
Here's a hard truth: Your mom may never stop criticizing you.
It’s difficult for a daughter to feel like their every move is under a microscope.
You are an adult who can set boundaries with your mother’s criticism or suggestions. This isn’t easy, but it is necessary and possible.