How Do I Say This?: Noise and Chaos Is So Overstimulating And I Can't Handle It

March 11th, 2024

When noise and chaos become unmanageable, you may want to explain this to your other family members or people in your household.


For some people, growing up in chaos leads to immense difficulty with managing overstimulation and loud noises. You may want to cocoon yourself away from loud noises, chaos, and conflict. This can be really challenging when life becomes difficult due to illness, conflict, stress, or family life. Parents of young children, people taking care of elderly or disabled family members, or people who live in noisy neighborhoods may struggle with overstimulation and find it difficult to separate themselves from the chaos completely.

You can do your best to work with your current situation and attempt to manage the chaos and overstimulation. When noise and chaos become unmanageable, you may want to explain this to your other family members or people in your household. Here are some examples of ways to explain that:

  • “Overstimulation happens when the brain is overwhelmed. Everyone is different, and the amount it takes to overstimulate someone depends on their genes and temperament, their life experiences, and how they’re feeling. Because of what I’ve experienced, I find it really hard to be in a loud room like this for too long.”
  • “My home was really chaotic growing up, and I don’t like repeating that in adulthood. It makes me feel really unsafe and uncomfortable.”
  • “When someone gets overstimulated, their brain and body can go into fight or flight mode. When I feel like that, I’m worried I’m going to snap or yell. Sometimes I need to take a break.”
  • “This is what it looks and sounds like when I am getting overstimulated (give examples). When that’s happening, know that I’m not upset with you or trying to be rude. I just need to reset and take a break.”

As always, these explanations will only work well with someone who is willing to seek understanding. If someone is being abusive or does not care to listen to how the noise and chaos is impacting you, that is not your fault. You can only do your best to explain how you feel and allow them to find compassion and understanding.