Ways To Introduce The Family Meeting

December 5th, 2022

How to pitch the family meeting to your family memebrs.

family meeting

When you decide to have a family meeting, you’ll need to get your other family members to participate. Here are some ways to bring up the family meeting and encourage participation:

  • “We’ve been so disorganized lately, and I really want to get our family back on track. Let’s set up a time to meet each week and plan. What works best for you?”
  • “I want to be able to spend more time together as a family. Can we start having a family meeting so we can plan and make that happen?”
  • “I would love to have time each week to check in as a family and make sure that we’re all doing well. What time and day would work best for you?”
  • “We haven’t had a lot of time as a family to celebrate each other. I really want to set up a time each week for us to talk and connect. What do you think?”
  • “I’m feeling really overwhelmed by our schedule, and I want to get organized. What do you think about setting up a monthly family meeting?”