Family Safety

January 2nd, 2023

This is what a safe family looks and feels like.

All family members should feel safe with one another and in their homes. Safety is the foundation of all healthy family interactions.

Family safety includes:

  • Physical safety
  • Emotional safety

In safe families, members believe and know:

  • I will be protected
  • My family members will not intentionally hurt me
  • My family members have my best interests in mind
  • I am allowed to be myself
  • Family members should not use physical force or violence
  • Family members should not use emotional manipulation
  • Family members should not use name-calling, yelling, or other forms of verbal abuse
  • Adults will protect children or members of the family that cannot defend themselves
  • We apologize when we hurt one another
  • Family members will not engage in sexual abuse
  • I am allowed to have boundaries and I will respect the boundaries of other family members

When family members don’t feel safe they:

  • Get stuck in a state of hypervigilance
  • Cannot build trust
  • Have trouble trusting anyone, including family members, peers, teachers, colleagues, etc.

happy family

How To Make Your Family Feel Safe

  • Be consistent and follow a routine
  • Back up your words with action
  • Apologize and repair when you mess up
  • Use safe body language (refrain from yelling, name-calling, throwing things, etc.)
  • Ask people how they feel and genuinely respond with care
  • Allow people to be themselves without criticism or judgment
  • Talk it out instead of using physical force or violence
  • Respect family members’ boundaries