Help For The Helpers Course
0A course for burnt-out, highly sensitive helpers.
A course for burnt-out, highly sensitive helpers.
A guided meditation for helpers.
As you’re healing, you may move through some of these stages.
They can be repeated like affirmations, written down places, or used to comfort you. Feel free to come up with your other ones, too!
Let’s look at the basics of asking for help.
Learning to put yourself first is a life-altering skill. This + boundary setting will make you unstoppable, and life will be so much more rewarding.
How to discover what you’re feeling, figure out what you need, how to sit with distressing feelings, and validate your emotions.
Let's accept that people will push your boundaries or ignore them. Here are some ways you can handle that.
Let's look at how you can set boundaries with empath
We don’t set boundaries to keep people out. We set them to tell people where the door is and how they can get into our lives safely and appropriately.
We have to learn to sit with people in their distress and not take it on as our own.
One person can make a big difference, but you weren’t supposed to take this on all alone. There are so many factors that impact a person.
How you can help others in a constructive and really helpful manner, without hurting or over extending yourself.
When we overextend and help without boundaries, we rob people of their learning experiences and continuously make them more dependent on us.
What happens when helping goes too far and codependency develops.
You do not have to be a vessel for other people’s pain. So, what does that look like?
But we have to look at why helping is hurting you and why you’re going beyond what feels comfortable for you.
Sometimes, you have a draining relationship with a parent, a child, or someone entirely dependent on you.
If you have gotten stuck in a draining or unhealthy relationship, it may have happened for a few reasons.
Why certain types of people are drawn to helpers and how this can lead to difficult or draining relationships.
Our childhood experiences determine our self-image, emotional reactions, and reality.
Why certain people feel more than others, how energy seeps into our lives, the inner child and what happens when our unhealed inner child is in control.
5 possible reasons why you may have developed this way of interacting with the world.
A few preliminary theories may explain why certain individuals are more prone to experiencing the feelings of others. Let's look at the research.
You may notice that you possess some of these traits or sensitivities if you identify as an empath.
In this module we will be exploring empathy, why we help others, types of empaths, and the common signs of being an empath.