How Do I Say This?: Tell Your Sibling You Can't Have A Relationship
January 22nd, 2024
Unfortunately, some siblings cannot continue to have a relationship in adulthood.

Personality, childhood disagreements, mental and physical health issues, and other stressful life circumstances can lead to this outcome.
Sometimes one of the siblings will need to end the relationship with the other. This can be extremely challenging and delicate. You can speak to them in person, over the phone, or through a letter or email.
If you need to tell your sibling you can’t have a relationship, here are some ways to begin that conversation.
- “I can’t have a relationship with you if you’re still using substances. I am always here for you if you need help.”
- “I can’t spend time with you if you’re going to yell and insult me every time we’re together. We need to take a break from speaking to each other.”
- “I can’t continue to have a relationship with you like this.”
- “We have been fighting a lot, and I can’t imagine this feels good for you either. Can we talk about what’s going on with our relationship?”
- “You continue to disrespect my family and my children. They are my priority, and I have to keep them safe.”