the free parentified child workbook for adults who didn't get to be kids by calling home and whitney goodman

You can't control the family you were born into, but you can create the family that you want.

This 37-page workbook will help you:

  • Create awareness around family patterns
  • Design your ideal family culture
  • Take control of your family’s future
  • Acknowledge and address old wounds
  • Understand your unique family dysfunction

A downloadable and printable workbook with:

  • 14 interactive worksheets
  • Information on how family dysfunction happens and how to begin healing old patterns
  • Affirmations for people who experienced family dysfunction
  • Academic sources list
  • Recommended reading

Join The Family Cyclebreakers Club

To access The Healing Family Patterns Workbook, join The Family Cyclebreakers Club at Calling Home.

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